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June Happy Hour / YM Planning Meeting

Date & Time: 
Thu, 06/06/2013 - 5:30pm
Buckeye Grill – Grandview Yard (900 Goodale Blvd, Columbus, Ohio)

Appetizers Provided

The Younger Member Group would like to utilize our next happy hour to discuss our purpose, goals, and YMG leadership roles as we’ve seen a number of new faces the last few meetings hope to add a few more from this year’s graduating class. We will also be discussing the STEM (Science + Technology + Engineering + Math) Expo we are planning to organize for next year. We are planning to hold the STEM Expo next year during engineer’s week. The event is meant to expose students and their parents to the world of STEM through fun and interactive activities. A planning committee will be established in the fall, but I’d like to use this happy hour to gauge interest in helping us plan this event.

Please RSVP by email to so that we can plan accordingly. Feel free to reply if you are interested in the STEM Expo but cannot attend the Happy Hour.