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Annual Joint Meeting of Ohio Northern University and University of Toledo

Date & Time: 
Wed, 11/09/2011 - 5:30pm
The Inn at Ohio Northern, 401 West College Avenue, Ada, Ohio 45810

On behalf of the Ohio Northern University ASCE Student Chapter, I would like to cordially invite you to this year's Annual Joint Meeting. Though this event is typically in recognition of the ONU Student Chapter's relationship with the Toledo Section, we thought it appropriate to invite all surrounding sections, as the Central Ohio, Dayton and Cincinnati sections are of nearly the same distance away.

This year, we are extremely honored to have 2012 ASCE President-Elect Gregory DiLoreto, P.E., P.L.S. as our presenter. He will be giving his presentation on the evening of Wednesday, November 9 at the Inn at Ohio Northern. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Dinner is $10 for students and $25 for all others (Payment will be collected at the door; checks made payable to ASCE). RSVP's for dinner are due to by Friday, November 4.

Any questions, concerns and comments can be directed to, as well.

We look forward to having you join us.

Lee Saunders
President, ONU ASCE
BSCE 2012, Ohio Northern University

ONU_2011_Joint_Meeting_Flyer.pdf485.4 KB