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"Portland, Oregon; Regionalism Realized" featuring Robert Liberty, Portland Metro Council

Date & Time: 
Wed, 06/23/2010 - 12:00pm
Athletic Club of Columbus, 136 E. Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43215-3606

The Portland (Oregon) Metro Council is the only regional government agency in the U.S. whose governing body is directly elected by the region's voters. It serves more than 1.5 million residents in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties and the 25 cities in the Portland region. The Metro Council’s vision is developing ongoing initiatives to plan for 1 million new residents and address climate change while growing a strong economy.

The region’s collaborative approach to planning set Portland and its surrounding communities on a wise course – but times are changing. Climate change, rising energy costs, economic globalization, aging infrastructure and population growth demand thoughtful deliberation and action.

Robert Liberty was elected to the Metro Council in 2004. His interests as Metro Councilor include promoting redevelopment in town centers and along main streets, increasing transportation and housing choices, conserving natural areas inside and outside the urban growth boundary and giving citizens a stronger role in the regional planning decisions affecting residents’ future.

For more information, see the CMC website.