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"Growing Regional, Growing Smart" Series Premier featuring Chester Jourdan, Executive Director of MORPC

Date & Time: 
Wed, 04/14/2010 - 12:00pm
Athletic Club of Columbus, 136 E. Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43215-3606

ASCE members – The Central Ohio Section is partnering with the Columbus Metropolitan Club (CMC) on presentations by CMC that influence civil engineering work in Central Ohio. A great CMC program is coming up on April 14: Chester Jourdan, head of MORPC, the regional planning agency, will be speaking on the Growing Smart concept and how it fits with recent surveys of area residents. Mr. Jourdan has helped publicize the ASCE Ohio Report Card to promote infrastructure issues in the region.

MORPC is a major force in funding and directing growth, economic development and transportation systems in Central Ohio. These elements of urban life are very important to Civil Engineers in our professional and business careers as well as in our personal life. The April 14 meeting is a great opportunity to hear about, and discuss the direction MORPC is moving, and to hear it first. This is the first in a series of four CMC programs taking place over the next four months that address our region’s growth. The next will be on June 23, a program on smart growth in Portland Oregon. Programs later in the summer (dates TBD) will be panel discussions by mayors of inner and outer ring suburbs of the region.

ASCE members will also receive a discount from the standard lunch cost; there will be a button to identify you as an ASCE member on the CMC website.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to see what is happening in Central Ohio, and to make ASCE a player in the key decisions.