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Be a sponsor for the Regional Leadership Conference in Cleveland

The Cleveland Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) will be hosting the Region 3, Region
6, and Region 7 Leadership Conference and is in search of sponsors to provide much needed funds to welcome
guests to our great state of Ohio. The conference encompasses leaders of Sections and Branches, Younger
Member Groups, and Student Chapters. Over 300 attendees participate in this annual conference from Wyoming
and Texas to Michigan and Ohio, 16 states in all! This year’s event will be held in Cleveland, Ohio January 22-
23, 2010. Attendees will gather at the conference to network and develop leadership skills to help advance career
goals and potential roles in the workplace.

ASCE National relies on the hosting Section to help provide with general logistics including transportation to
local venues, an evening reception, thank-you gifts for the presenters, and conference program materials. To
offset the cost of hosting this ASCE conference; we ask your support as an engineering leader to help make this
event successful. By supporting this event you will receive conference–wide advertising exposure in the
conference program, display boards located at the conference and Friday evening reception at the Rock n’ Roll
Hall of Fame just to name a few.

Listed below are the Sponsorship Levels and Benefits:
Platinum Level - $1,000.00
Gold Level - $750
Silver Level - $500
Bronze Level - $250
Steel Level - $100

See the attached file for more information and a sponsorship form.

Cleveland ASCE sponsorship letter.pdf395.77 KB