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Engineers Week Luncheon

Date & Time: 
Wed, 02/17/2010 - 11:30am
Villa Milano, 1630 Schrock Rd., Columbus, OH 43229

Hosted by: ASHE, APWA, ASCE, Engineer's Club of Columbus, IEEE, ITE, OSPE, and WTS

When: Wednesday, February 17, 2010
- Registration: Begins at 11:30 a.m.
- Lunch & Program: Noon

Speaker: Dr. Giorgio Rizzoni, Director, OSU Center for Automotive Research
What changes are coming to your car and home? Come hear Dr. Rizzoni describe the latest innovations in energy storage, personal mobility, and personal eco-systems.

Menu: Lasagna (Vegetarian) or Chicken Picatta

Cost: Advanced Reservation and Payment Required by Friday, 2/12/10
$25.00 - Non-Students
$15.00 - Students
$35 at the door (depending on availability, walk-ins may not be accepted)

Pre-pay using a credit card through PayPal. Option to pay will display after registering on-line here or

Make checks payable to: ASHE Central Ohio Section
and mail to:

Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Attn: Lisa Doonan
5085 Reed Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43220

Reservations: Register by Friday, February 12, 2010
on-line here; or by contacting

Lisa Doonan at Burgess & Niple:
- (614) 459-7272 Ext. 1474


Christine Brahler at Burgess & Niple:
- (614) 459-7272 Ext. 1408

Please provide names, company name, professional organization representing, menu choice, and contact number for all attendees.

For a copy of the luncheon flyer with event and payment details, please go here.