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April Dinner Meeting & Tour

Date & Time: 
Thu, 04/15/2010 - 5:30pm
Ohio Union - 1739 N High St, Coumbus, Ohio 43210

Joint meeting with OSU and OU ASCE student chapters

Topic: OSU’s New Ohio Union Building

(Online registration and payment available, see bottom of page.)

Ohio State's Enarson Hall was built in 1911 and served as the first student union at any public University. With only men permitted in Enarson Hall, the University constructed Pomerene Hall in 1924 for the women. In 1947, students approached the University declaring that they were willing to pay a $5 quarterly fee to build a new, state of the art facility. The new Ohio Union opened in 1951 and served as a model for student unions in the rest of the country; the 50+ year old building was recently demolished and replaced.

The new Ohio Union houses a spectacular 18,000 square foot ballroom, performance centers, space for student organizations, meeting rooms, dining rooms, as well as a collection of art and history of the Ohio Union. The new building is 318,000 square feet with an estimated construction cost of $100 million and has the capacity to host large-scale campus, community, and business events. Presentations from the design and structural team will highlight their strategies used to design and build the new Ohio Union. Guided tours of the new building will follow the program.

Robert Johnson – Jezerinac Geers & Associates, Inc.
Jay Boone – Moody Nolan

5:30 PM – Registration
6:00 PM – Dinner
7:00 PM – Tour

Ohio Union – Ohio Stater’s, Inc. Traditions Room, 2nd floor - NW side of the building

1739 N High St, Coumbus, Ohio 43210

Menu: Lemon Garlic Chicken with salad, Chefs choice of starch and vegetable, rolls and butter, New York Style Cheesecake with marinated fresh strawberries, and iced tea. Please specify any dietary restrictions when making your reservations (due by March 31).

CPD Hours: A certificate for one (1) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hour will be issued at the conclusion of the program.

$20 – ASCE or ECC Members and Guests
$15 – ASCE or ECC Life Members
$10 – Students

Nearby Parking Garages:
Ohio Union North, 1780 College Rd, Columbus, OH 43210

Ohio Union South, 1759 N High St, Columbus, OH 43210

Cost is $3 for 1st hr, each additional hr is $1 (maximum daily rate is $7 - credit cards accepted).

Reservations: Please email (or phone in) reservations to Julie Pickering at or (614) 844-4017 or register and pay online with a credit card. Registration is due by 5 PM on Wednesday, March 31, 2010. Please note: Registration is limited for this event. Late registrations and walk-ins may not be accepted. Registration fees may still be required for no-shows and registrants canceling after March 31, 2010.

Payment: The preferred method of payment is online before March 31, 2010 (see below) or on the day of the event by cash or check. Checks should be made payable to Central Ohio ASCE.

Click here for online payment. (Registration is now closed)