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January Luncheon Meeting

Date & Time: 
Thu, 01/21/2010 - 11:30am
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Columbus North, 6500 Doubletree Ave, Columbus, OH 43229

Topic: Engineers without Borders, Central Ohio Professionals’ Chapter
(Joint meeting with Engineer's Club of Columbus)

(Online registration and payment available, see bottom of page.)

The Central Ohio Professionals Chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) was founded in 2007 by a group of local engineers and works in partnership with the Ohio State University student chapter. It is a non-profit organization located in Columbus, Ohio. The main mission of EWB is to partner with developing communities to improve their quality of life through environmentally sustainable engineering projects. The chapter depends on grants, in-kind donations and financial contributions to fund its work. Currently the Chapter is involved in two projects in Central America and Africa.

The project in Central America is located on the outskirts of San Pedro Puxtla, El Salvador. The neighborhood of Las Pilitas consists of the poorest people in the community. Their neighborhood is located on a former landfill, and the rugged terrain separates them from the rest of town and basic services such as treated drinking water, sanitation, trash services and safe ingress/egress. The current focus of EWB’s project is to assist in providing clean drinking water, improved latrines and a street including proper drainage structures.

The project in Africa is located in Batoula, Cameroon. A drinking water distribution system was previously installed in the village. However, due to age and disrepair, this system was abandoned leaving the source unprotected and allowing the water to become contaminated. Commonly curable illnesses such as dehydration due to diarrhea and cholera run rampant. EWB’s project is to provide a water treatment and distribution system which will provide clean, uncontaminated water to the village.

The presentation will explain more about EWB and how people can become involved, and will present some of the challenges and details about the two projects that are underway.

Santosh Nachu, EIT - Ball Container Corporation
Amanda Engle, P.E. - E.L. Robinson, Inc.
Kate Johnson, EIT - Burgess & Niple

11:30 AM – Registration
12:00 PM – Lunch

Menu: Chicken Roulade (grilled chicken breast stuffed with wild rice cornbread stuffing topped with a red wine reduction sauce) with potato or rice, tossed salad, vegetables and dessert. Drinks include coffee (decaffeinated & regular), hot herbal teas, iced tea and water. Vegetarian meal available upon request (please specify when you register for the event).

$20 – ASCE or ACI Members and Guests
$15 – ASCE Life Members
$10 – Students

Reservations: Please email (or phone in) reservations to Julie Pickering at or (614) 844-4017 by 5 PM on Wednesday, January 13, 2010. Registration can also be done online if you are paying by credit card. All registrations, regardless of method used, are due by Wednesday, January 13. Please note: Registration is limited for this event. Late registrations and walk-ins may not be accepted. Registration fees may still be required for no-shows and registrants canceling after January 13, 2010.

Payment: The preferred method of payment is online before January 13, 2010 (see below) or on the day of the event by cash or check. If you need to pay for multiple registrations, please pay by check. Checks should be made payable to Central Ohio ASCE. (Any checks or other monetary correspondence should be sent to our Treasurer at the following address: Michael J. Mazzoli ~ Central Ohio ASCE (c/o PSI) ~ 4960 Vulcan Avenue ~ Columbus, Ohio 43228).

Click here for online payment. (Registration is now closed)